EU4CHILD's first official slide deck is out!
Curious about our project? We are proud to present EU4CHILD's first slide deck: a brief presentation on our vision for a EU ecosystem on Childhood Cancer, our tools and services and most importantly, our motivation to connect patients, carers, clinicians and technical experts to provide improved diagnosis, personalised treatment and care through the power of Artificial Intelligence.
Check it out here!
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash
Our public community at Zenodo has just launched!
Here at EU4CHILD we all share the vision of the European Open Science Cloud and Open Access research initiatives. Thus, we are committed to making our results easily accessible to other fellow researchers and the wider community, and will provide open access to peer-reviewed publications and scientific data generated within our project.
That’s why we have set up a dedicated community and repository at Zenodo, where we will be uploading publications, public deliverables, data, press releases and much more as the project goes on.
Check it out here!
EU4CHILD kicks off its fight against Childhood Cancer
It's official! On May 7th, all EU4CHILD partners gathered virtually to discuss and set the stage for what is to come: our vision for a European ecosystem of Artificial Intelligence services for pediatric cancer that pushes the boundaries on current research and leaves nobody behind.
EU4CHILD is a PPPA-AG (Pilot Project & Preparation Action Grant) to connect key European stakeholders in childhood cancer care by means of eXplainable AI. During this next year and half, we are committed to build an engaged community of patients and families, healthcare professionals, AI experts and policy makers to advance diagnosis, treatment and quality of life in childhood cancer.
Read our press release to learn more!